There’s one thing I know about you…about any young woman. You long for something.

Yes or yes?

For love, fulfillment, relationship, prosperity, beauty, influence, increase, health, safety, joy…
And we don’t just “long”, we seek for ways to satisfy that longing.

A lot of young women search endlessly.

And then turn to anything to “cool down” the thirst. You could turn to the next available guy, or to a friend, or get buried in your work and world. But it sure won’t quench that thirst, you know. The SATISFACTION your soul longs for will still be so far from reach.

It’s just like drinking a glass of coke when you’re thirsty. It will wet your throat temporarily, but won’t really quench that thirst. Your body still water.

Looking for something that truly satisfies?

You’re not alone!

Me too.

And that’s when I found this woman. I mean, really really saw that we have something in common.

Needy. Longing. Thirsty.

And as I came back to her story over and over, to find out the switch that turned the bulb on in her life… How a once “all by herself” adulterous woman jumped into the city square with courage and enthusiasm.

Completely whole. Fully satisfied.

I found the lessons here so deep to keep all by myself.

It’s time for you to move from “Thirsty Soul to True Satisfaction”.

Last year, we had August Breakout – a time when we Wailed to God in prayers.

This Year, we’ll be digging into God’s word for a RADIANT BREAKOUT!

If you’re not signed to our email list, you’ll miss this.

So, hit the button below to tell me “I’m In For A Radiant Breakout!”

I’ll add you to our list (before someone takes your space), and send you a lovely FREE Ebook.