How Your Identity Ignites Divine Purpose: Lessons from a Wise Woman

Wise woman (1)

We’ve been diving deep into identity – what it means, where your true identity lies, and how to break free from those counterfeit labels the world tries to stick on us. We’ve even explored the radiant traits of women who walk confidently in their God-given identity.

But today, let’s shift gears and talk about something even more exciting: purpose.

Your identity in Christ isn’t just about who you are, it’s about what you were made for. It’s about the unique calling God has placed on your life, a purpose so incredible that it’s just waiting to be unleashed.

Think of it like this: your identity is the foundation, and your purpose is the beautiful building that rises from it.

God has woven a unique purpose into the fabric of your being, a purpose that’s waiting to be unleashed. He’s not looking for spectators in this grand story of life; He’s calling you to be a co-creator with Him.

That nagging feeling in your heart? That idea that keeps nudging you? Those unique gifts and experiences that make you, you? They’re all part of God’s divine toolkit, designed to equip you for the incredible work He has in store.

So, are you ready to step up and partner with God? Are you ready to make things happen and leave your mark on the world? Are you ready to step into that purpose? Are you ready to discover the impact you can make as you ride on the wings of your God-defined identity?

Let’s learn from a wise woman in the Bible who did just that.

A Woman of Influence: The Wise Woman of Abel Beth Maacah

Remember the story of Sheba’s rebellion against King David? (You can read it in 2 Samuel 20:15-22.) This wise woman, facing a city under siege, didn’t cower in fear. She recognized the God-given authority she possessed as a woman of influence, a “mother in Israel.” This identity fueled her courage to step up and act.

She used her words, knowledge, and peaceful nature to negotiate with the army commander, and ultimately saved her entire community from destruction.

Her story resonates with the stories of other incredible women in the Bible – Esther, Ruth, Deborah, the daughters of Zelophehad, Abigail – women who boldly used their voices and influence to bring about God’s purposes.

4 Lessons from a Wise Woman

What can we learn from this wise woman? To become women who can confidently navigate challenging situations, influence others for good, and fulfill our God-given destinies?

1. Speak with Wisdom: This woman used her words carefully and strategically, even addressing Joab by name to establish a connection. Her words dripped with the wisdom she had cultivated through her relationship with God. As Proverbs 14:1 says, “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Let’s use our words to build bridges, not walls. In your own sphere of influence, choose your words thoughtfully, speaking truth with grace and love.

2. Cultivate Knowledge: This woman was well-informed, referencing historical customs to make a strong case. Her understanding was likely rooted in her knowledge of God’s laws and principles. We need to be lifelong learners, just like the Proverbs 31 woman who “opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Dive into God’s word, seek out mentors, and never stop learning so that you, too, can speak with authority and insight.

3. Pursue Peace: This woman identified herself as a peacemaker, and her peaceful nature helped her unite her community. Her ability to de-escalate conflict likely stemmed from a heart aligned with God’s desire for peace. As Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9). Be a peacemaker in your relationships, your workplace, and your community. Your peaceful spirit will open doors and pave the way for God’s purposes to be fulfilled.

4. Walk in Faithfulness: This woman’s faithfulness to God was her foundation. It’s clear that she trusted God’s guidance and leaned on His strength in this crisis. Our relationship with God is our source of strength and wisdom. Like the woman who found favor with Boaz because of her faithfulness and integrity, let’s prioritize our walk with Him, seeking His guidance in every decision we make.

Your Turn to Shine

Dear friend, you are not just a bystander in this world. You are a woman of influence, a vessel of God’s purpose. Don’t underestimate the power of your words, your knowledge, your peacemaking spirit, and your unwavering faith.

It’s time to step into your calling, to use your gifts to make a difference, and to live a life that glorifies God.

Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, a masterpiece in progress. As you walk in your true identity, you’ll discover the incredible impact you can make on the world around you.

So go ahead, shine bright! The world needs your light.

P.S. Stay tuned for this week’s blog post, where we dive deeper into the story of another remarkable woman who rose and siezed God’s divine position.

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