Girls’ Guide to a Lasting Love Relationship

Guy: Can we be friends?

I: Friends? I don’t have enemies so we are friends already.

Guy: I mean close friends. I really love you and will want to get into a relationship with you.

I: Oh really! Thank you. But I am not interested and available for that.

Guy: But you could please think about it and find a place in your heart to let me in.

I: My heart? It’s already occupied so there is no room to think about it or just let anyone walk in casually.

Guy: Seriously! You seem to be blunt and firm with your answers. Looks like you are already in a relationship with someone.

I: Relationship… Yes I am.

The Sister to Sister Walk for Biblical Femininity

Do you wonder with great concern at the increasing influence of the society on Christian girls? Like all hell has been set loose against them and everything that defines biblical femininity trampled under. Not just that they’ve been into the ocean, but they are swimming comfortably, unaware of… or will I say indifferent to the wild animals in there waiting to swallow them up.

True Radiance of Biblical Femininity

Girls, do you want to be a star? I bet I can hear loads of – oh yes I want to be a star, yes I really want to be a star, of course I want to be a star…
Guess what! That is God’s intent for us; that we shine as the brightness of the firmament and as the stars forever and ever…
Interesting, right?